Home > Reviews > Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Blemish Gel Cleanser
Posted on May 17, 2023

Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Blemish Gel Cleanser

Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Blemish Gel Cleanser

Today, I’d like to share my thoughts on the Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Gel Cleanser. Kate Somerville offers a range of excellent cleansers that I frequently include in my skincare routine. Given my positive experiences, I couldn’t help trying the Eradikate Clarifying Gel Cleanser.

Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Blemish Gel Cleanser review

The cleanser is formulated with 1% salicylic acid, niacinamide, probiotics, watermelon extract, lentil extract, apple extract, sodium lactate, sodium PCA, and mild surfactants.

Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Blemish

I should note that the inclusion of pine and thyme oils gives the product a slightly medicinal smell. However, I don’t find it to be overpowering or off-putting – in fact, I quite like it.

I have thin, combination skin which tends to break out with the arrival of warmer weather and during my period. Although I can be sensitive to acids, leading to skin redness, this cleanser doesn’t trigger that reaction. It started to diminish my blemishes within days. As my blemishes started to dry up, I didn’t experience any new outbreaks, which left me feeling very satisfied.

Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Blemish review

The consistency of the Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Blemish Gel Cleanser is remarkably thick and transparent. It creates a nice lather when used, and its excellent foaming ability means that a small quantity goes a long way. It gently purifies my facial skin without being over dry. 

IMO, this cleanser is best suited for combination or oily skin types that need a gentle yet effective cleanser. Furthermore, a significant improvement in my complexion has been a welcome result. Each application leaves me feeling thoroughly refreshed.

Kate Somerville Eradikate
I’m a fan of salicylic acid cleansers. These cleansers are gentler than peels or serums, yet their effectiveness becomes evident with regular use. BHA works effectively at any pH level (with the average pH in cleansers being between 4 and 5.5), acting softly at higher pH levels, and more potently and aggressively at lower pH levels. Moreover, while BHAs don’t intensify your skin’s sensitivity to the sun as much as AHAs, it remains crucial to apply sunscreen each day.

Kate Somerville Eradikate review

All in all, I have a positive initial impression of the Kate Somerville Eradikate Clarifying Gel Cleanser. It is a gentle yet effective cleanser that thoroughly purifies the skin without drying it out, which makes it a nice choice for daily use, either as a morning cleanse or as the second step in an evening double cleanse routine.


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